Physical activity, promoted by adventure racing, is good for the health of the individual and the nation, the financial well being of the Country and is perfectly aligned with current Government Policy.
According to the NHS ‘statistics on obesity, physical activity and diet’ published in January 2008 over 24% of adults in England are classified as obese and 16% of children (aged 2-15) are classed as obese. Not surprisingly, adults with low physical activity levels are more than twice as likely to have a raised waist circumference as those with high levels of physical activity. Using both BMI and waist circumference to assess the risk of health problems, 53% of the population are estimated to be at an increased risk.
Currently it is estimated that the costs to the NHS of treating the consequences of obesity are approximately £1.225 billion. It is predicted that by 2025 the costs of obesity to the NHS could rise to £5.3 billion.
The government’s new ambition on excess weight is to be the first major country to reverse the rising tide of obesity and overweight in the population.
Physical activity has been identified as a key action point in delivering the Government’s ambition above. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) now recommends that primary care practitioners should identify inactive adults and advise them to aim for 30 minutes of moderate activity on 5 days of the week (or more).
Adventure racing is a perfect physical activity to fight obesity and reduce the risk of health problems. Promoting it is to promote physical activity in the outdoors. Something to be enjoyed by everyone, at any level of fitness. An expedition style multi day adventure race may not be right for everyone. But knowing what can be achieved is a great motivation to do something. Adventure races take all shapes and sizes. A fast walk or short jog through a beautiful wood is a great way to start!