MARCH muscles….

A contradiction in terms perhaps – the MARCH members are not renowned for being burdened with surplus muscle – but a new MARCH muscle blog is nevertheless being launched….

Having never had a training programme in his life we thought Camo was the perfect person to sample a range of different workouts and report back on the experience – and the magnificent muscles that will no doubt result…?!

Keeping training fresh and motivation high can often depend on spicing up training with something new. Over the coming months the MARCH will compile a range of options, with real world, realistic, comment from Camo. If you have a favourite workout to suit adventure racing or ultra distance running (we’re not looking for any Arnie workouts) fire it through – we’d love to add it to our list!

(The usual caveat should of course apply – we’re not medical experts so take care and take it easy at first if you plan to ‘try this at home’ – as we hope you will!)


Quick – gym based – full body

1. The kick boxers workout

Summary – Suggested by an amateur kickboxer who was himself given the workout by his Father who is a personal trainer. Kickboxer Snr uses the programme to condition athletes training for toughman competitions.

Routine – Essentially a circuit. Undertaken at pace with no rest between exercises. Target completion time of 15 mins for the full routine, as follows:

Ex. 1 = Rower – 500m at Level 6 resistance. Aiming to complete in 1 mins 45 sec

Ex. 2 = Lower Back Extensions – 40 reps. Using a hyperextension bench, with legs straight and ankles locked, facing down.

Ex. 3 = Lat Pull Down – 35 reps. 30 kg on the machine.

Ex. 4 = Squat Thrusts – 35 reps per leg, thrusting alternative legs.

Ex. 5 = Ab Crunches – 40 reps. Using the hyper extension bench, ankles locked, facing upwards.

Ex. 6 = Box Step Up – 35 reps. Holding 10 kg dumbells.

Ex. 7 = Shoulder Press – 30 reps. 15 kg including weight of the bar, working the bar behind your neck.

Ex. 8 = Rower – 300m at Level 6 resistance. Aiming to complete in 1 min.

Ex. 9 = Bench Press – 30 reps. 30 kg including weight of bar.

Ex. 10 = Bike – 1km at Level 8. Aiming for an output of 180 watts.

Camo’s appraisel - “I liked this workout. I was nervous beforehand. It was my first time in the gym for at least 6 months – over summer I prefer to be outside. Even when I am in the gym I do very little weights work and I know my upper body is pretty weak these days. My pistols are pea shooters and my pecs are moving confidently to the concave. I was also nervous as I was being shown the workout by a lethal weapon of a kickboxer. He was 2 weeks out from a fight and despite being taller than me is 8 kg lighter. Fat free and full of long stripped muscle….

We didn’t hit the 15 min target time but I managed to hit all the rep targets apart from the shoulder press, where I only managed 20 reps (my triceps don’t even try these days!). I felt pretty bushed by the end and reckon it’s a cracking full body work out mixing a bit of aerobic and anaerobic. Great for squeezing in to a busy day and a nice change from other training. Watch the lower back extensions though. A weak spot in my armoury – like a lot of folk – I would cut the reps in half to start. I woke with a pretty sore back.

Would I do it again? You bet! Might well bring it in to the regular mix.”


The MARCH would love to hear from others with their secret work out so we can continue to put Camo through his paces and find those missing muscles! We’re not looking for bulk. Strictly functional muscles for adventure racing and ultra distance running races. Muscles to augment the normal aerobic training. Just send them through…!

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